
Written by: Anonymous
When it comes to the importance of follow-up, we've all seen the statistics: More than half (60%) of buyers say "no" four times before they say "yes." And yet, 44% of sales reps give up after just one follow-up. It seems many tele-sales and inside sales reps would rather play the numbers game and move on to the next lead rather than follow up with a prospect multiple times. Instead, your salespeople might be better off focusing on their techniques for overcoming sales objections. One way to do that is through storytelling.
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Written by: Jeff Kalter
Every sales representative wishes for a bluebird—that fabulous sales opportunity that out of the blue drops into their lap. But the reality is that most leads require a lot of time and effort before the sale is closed.
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Written by: Giuseppe D’Angelo
Sadly, when it comes to lead generation, marketing has long had a problem. They can build marketing campaigns and event promotions to generate plenty of leads. But marketing’s problem is one of reputation. Sales reps believe that marketing leads are worthless. The conversion rate on poorly qualified, tire-kicking, lousy leads is so low that sales reps see them as a waste of their time and energy.
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Written by: Sabrina Ferraioli

Hiring for inside salespeople has been growing 15 times faster than for outside sales reps.

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Written by: Jeff Kalter

Artist Vincent Van Gogh once said, “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” Just as the artist transforms a series of brush strokes into a painting, so too a sales rep should turn a series of activi

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Written by: Wolfram van Wezel

When business is doing well, it’s only natural to want to scale your sales force. It’s a seemingly simple formula. More sales reps equal more growth.

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Written by: Sabrina Ferraioli

With all the disruptions that the Coronavirus pandemic has ushered into our lives in the past several months—the quarantines, the social distancing, the masks—we’re only just beginning to focus on the long-term ramifications.

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Written by: Giorgia Rosati

The last several months have been tough on businesses and employees alike. Even now, while countries are slowly opening up and companies are trying to get back to some form of normalcy, the Coronavirus pandemic is not over.

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Written by: Sabrina Ferraioli

When it comes to developing telemarketing and inside sales managers, some companies make some mistaken assumptions.

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Written by: Sabrina Ferraioli

Selling involves messaging, driving traffic, data management, list building, lead management, lead nurturing and relationship building. And that’s all before you ever get close to closing the sale.

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