Account Profiling

Written by: Jeff Kalter

Even the best tele-services agency cannot generate leads from a bad marketing list. Whether you’re using email, direct mail or telemarketing, the list is the foundation for your marketing initiatives. So, while it may be time consuming, it’s essential to build out the details of your list and keep it up-to-date.

The Complex Web of Decision Making

If you’re marketing a complex product or service with a high price tag, you’re likely selling to a web of decision makers within an organization, each analyzing your offering from a distinct perspective and interjecting their opinions at different times in the buying cycle. You need to understand as much as possible about the prospect’s decision-making process and who is involved so you can move forward with your marketing outreach in an intelligent way. 

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Written by: Jeff Kalter

Imagine having deep insights into your target accounts that can give you a competitive advantage in marketing and sales. They enable you to prioritize who to call, create customized messages that grab their attention, encourage decision-makers to consider your products, shorten the sales cycle, and close the sale. 

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