
Giorgia Rosati
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Giorgia is originally from Rome and has spent 8 years in the UK: she has 7+ years sales experience and 4+ years in B2B lead generation, managing inside sales teams on a daily basis for inbound/outbound campaign execution, lead generation, account base marketing, account/contact profiling and campaign planning/tracking. She has been part of the 3D2B Team since 2015 and is fluent in Italian and English.

Written by: Giorgia Rosati

The last several months have been tough on businesses and employees alike. Even now, while countries are slowly opening up and companies are trying to get back to some form of normalcy, the Coronavirus pandemic is not over.

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Written by: Giorgia Rosati

Between paid ads, blogging, email and social media marketing, cold calling and more, companies spend a lot of money trying to acquire new customers. However, many act as if the battle is won after the first sale. Not so! Companies that fail to invest in their existing customers are likely to lose their most significant assets. A survey by SAS and Loyalty 360 found that 68% of new business comes from current clients. And, since it can cost five to 25 times as much to attract a new customer as to keep an existing one, keeping your churn rate as low as possible will help you get more mileage out of your budget. 

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