
Written by: Amanda Ferraioli

Can't figure out why your investment in lead generation isn't paying off? You might want to look at your sales department and how they may be dropping the ball when it comes to business-to-business telemarketing.

While some salespeople are doing things right, and by the book, some are not. Instead of engaging prospects in tele-nuturing, the building of long-term, future-oriented relationships over the phone, many teams let sales slip away when they skip critical steps in the sales process.

Here are three things that unwittingly get in the way of making new sales.

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Written by: Wolfram van Wezel

70% of Leads Generated are Never Acted on by Sales

Marketing departments put a tremendous amount of energy, time and money into lead generation. Yet, according to the American Marketing Association, approximately 70% of leads generated are treated by the sales force like confetti. They don't think it's worth the time to pick them up, check them out and follow up on them.

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Written by: Shannon Cadden

Business-to-business lead generation is like growing crops. You can't expect a plentiful harvest if you plant seeds and then neglect them. On the contrary, newly planted seeds need nurturing—water, nutrients, and weeding—to provide fruit.

Today's companies are adept planters. Many focus on lead generation, but most are not doing enough when it comes to nurturing planted seeds (a.k.a. leads) so they grow into abundant resources. Too often, warm leads fizzle away, resulting in lost sales opportunities.

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Written by: Jeff Kalter

"What is business-to-business (B2B) telemarketing?" The answer might seem obvious: annoying call center agents randomly calling people with their sales pitches. We've all received those calls where the caller robotically recites a script, hardly breathing so you can't say a word.

But that's not a good way for businesses to gain new customers, let alone build good will in the market.

So, the better question is: What is effective B2B telemarketing?

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Written by: Wolfram van Wezel

Reach and Qualify More Leads by Responding Faster

Are you disappointed with your results from online marketing? You’re attracting web visitorswith appetizing content, and they’re filling in your forms. But you’re having a hard time reaching and qualifying them.

You’re not alone. 78% of business-to-business marketing leaders say generating qualified leads is their most challenging task.

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