
Amanda Ferraioli
Profile picture for user Amanda Ferraioli

Amanda, a native New Yorker, has 10+ years of experience in the B2B customer acquisition industry, servicing Fortune 500 companies within the IT market. Amanda's vast professional experience has focused on global accounts such as SAP, HP, Intel and Microsoft.

Today, as Account Director, Amanda is responsible for developing and driving customized customer acquisition solutions across international markets for 3D2B clients -- while ensuring such clients receive the highest possible standard of excellence and service.

Amanda holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Binghamton University in New York State.

Written by: Amanda Ferraioli

Can't figure out why your investment in lead generation isn't paying off? You might want to look at your sales department and how they may be dropping the ball when it comes to business-to-business telemarketing.

While some salespeople are doing things right, and by the book, some are not. Instead of engaging prospects in tele-nuturing, the building of long-term, future-oriented relationships over the phone, many teams let sales slip away when they skip critical steps in the sales process.

Here are three things that unwittingly get in the way of making new sales.

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