
Bob Davies
Profile picture for user Bob Davies

Bob has over 30 years of sales and marketing management experience. He founded and was President of a successful sales and marketing consulting firm and call center that specialized in creating sales and marketing campaigns for both start-up and high-growth organizations for many industries, including manufacturing, pharmaceutical, telecommunications, banking/financial, insurance, real estate, and security. Bob is a visionary leader and is known for his ability to revitalize operations, build high-performing call centers, generate incremental sales growth, and grow market share.

Written by: Bob Davies

Here are a few B2B lead generation New Year’s resolutions that will get you off on the right foot for 2015.

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Written by: Bob Davies

Does Your Trade-Show Follow-Up Suffer These Symptoms?

B2B sales and marketing managers spend plenty of time preparing for tradeshows – developing new products, the booth design and construction, and creating and printing up literature. But often they fail to do the one thing that could more than double or triple their return on investment: