
Jeff Kalter
Profile picture for user Jeff Kalter

Born and raised in New York City, Jeff Kalter graduated with a Bachelor of Science from New York Institute of Technology. Jeff began his professional career at Bruce Supply Corporation, a leading industrial supplies distributor in the United States. Thereafter, Jeff co-founded Central Foundries Inc., a global importer and manufacturer of cast iron and copper products.

In the late 90s Jeff moved his family to Munich, Germany, where he gained experience in the consumer market acting as Advertising Designer for companies such as ESCADA and Altmarkt Gallery.

Jeff was then recruited by a leading outsourced customer acquisition company responsible for global clients, including TOSHIBA, Cisco Systems and 3Com. His responsibilities included developing, implementing and driving customer acquisition programs with proven revenue of over 100 million USD.

In 2003 Jeff co-founded 3D2B in Rome, Italy. Today, Jeff is the CEO of 3D2B and resides between Rome and New York City.

Written by: Jeff Kalter
Video conferencing is no longer a competitive edge. It's essential equipment for prospect and client engagement, thanks in large part to the COVID pandemic restrictions on meeting face-to-face. Corporations, mid-size companies, even small businesses use video conferencing to engage with customers and prospects. Growth is almost off the charts: What was almost a $4 billion business in 2019 is slated to surpass $20 billion by 2024. So, if you're wondering what the new normal looks like, video conferencing is one of the mainstays. But what system to purchase?
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Written by: Jeff Kalter
In 2021, the average cost of a data breach will be $4.24 million. That’s enough to destroy most businesses. And according to IBM and the Ponemon Institute, both the cost and frequency of cyber attacks are increasing every year. What are you doing to protect your data assets? Like most companies, you probably realize that a data breach also has the potential to put both your business continuity and reputation at risk. You undoubtedly take data security and privacy seriously and go to great lengths to protect your systems and data.
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Written by: Jeff Kalter
Sales has been slow to adopt artificial intelligence (AI). The argument, of course, is that sales is a people game. And that’s true, but with inside sales proving the efficiency and effectiveness of virtual sales and automation, maybe it’s time to dig a little deeper into AI. After all, some maintain that you can either adopt, adapt and thrive or fall by the wayside. As to the state of AI in inside sales:
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Written by: Jeff Kalter
Only around 10% to 15% of leads, on average, convert to sales. So lead qualification is essential for helping you focus your time where it will be the most effective and profitable. When it comes to B2B lead qualification, many will argue that the BANT strategy is outdated and has outlived its usefulness. It’s been more than 70 years since IBM developed the BANT lead qualification framework for its sales reps. With today’s long sales cycles, the Internet’s impact on the buyers’ journey and the size of decision-making teams, some say BANT is dead. However, perhaps we just need to enhance BANT. First, though, let’s have a quick refresher on what BANT is.
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Written by: Jeff Kalter
Only around 10% to 15% of leads, on average, convert to sales. So lead qualification is essential for helping you focus your time where it will be the most effective and profitable. When it comes to B2B lead qualification, many will argue that the BANT strategy is outdated and has outlived its usefulness. It’s been more than 70 years since IBM developed the BANT lead qualification framework for its sales reps. With today’s long sales cycles, the Internet’s impact on the buyers’ journey and the size of decision-making teams, some say BANT is dead. However, perhaps we just need to enhance BANT. First, though, let’s have a quick refresher on what BANT is.
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Written by: Jeff Kalter
In 2017, inside sales reps in the United States represented not quite half (47.4% to 52.8%) of the sales force, with a modest 5% growth projected for 2018 and 2019. And then COVID-19 hit. Face-to-face meetings were out, but inside sales could work remotely and connect with buyers virtually. And 64% of B2B vendors using a remote sales model in 2020 achieved or even surpassed their revenue expectations.
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Written by: Jeff Kalter
If you're thinking of building a team of business development representatives (BDRs) but are having difficulty justifying paying someone who doesn't close sales, read on. You might need a new perspective along with a program designed to get the most of your business development reps. BDRs are essential because they free your salespeople of many burdensome tasks that take them away from selling.
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Written by: Jeff Kalter
As your sales reps take on the front lines of selling, who’s doing your lead qualification? Think about this when you sign up for a live transfer service. Inbound “sales” calls potentially can convert ten times better than clicks, but are you sure that you’re getting highly qualified leads that your reps can act on? Or are you buying a glorified answering service?
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Written by: Jeff Kalter
As the year comes to a close, we doubt that you will be sorry to say goodbye to 2020. It’s been a challenging year for all of us, with more than a few surprises along the way. Even so, once the dust settles and we’re well-entrenched in 2021, could we look back and see the year from hell as a blessing in disguise?
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Written by: Jeff Kalter
Every sales representative wishes for a bluebird—that fabulous sales opportunity that out of the blue drops into their lap. But the reality is that most leads require a lot of time and effort before the sale is closed.
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